Give to Make a Difference

Thank you for your partnership with the C.T. Vivian Foundation. Your donation allows the Foundation to do the work of advancing the legacy and vision of C.T. & Octavia Vivian. Literacy, education, and the preservation of Black literature are vital in understanding who we are, who we have been, and who we have the potential to be as people, and as a nation. We could not do this work without your generosity. You make a difference!
The C.T. Vivian Foundation, Inc. Tax ID/EIN is 46-2631841
Donations can be made online below
Checks can also be mailed to:
C.T. Vivian Foundation, Inc.
504 Fair Street SW Atlanta, GA 30313
Make All Checks Payable to C.T. Vivian Foundation, Inc.
Donations for the Foundation
You can mail books authored by African Americans or about African Americans to:
C.T. Vivian Foundation
504 Fair Street SW Atlanta, GA 30313
Thank you for donating books that are written by Black authors and or about the African American experience. We ask that your donated books be hard back (no paperback) and in good condition.
If you believe your book donation is greater than its retail face value, please have your donation professionally appraised by a certified, licensed book appraiser prior to sending your donation to C.T. Vivian Foundation. We are not licensed appraisers, nor do we recommend appraisers. We will acknowledge receipt of all donations in writing.
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